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Economic Empowerment will Drive Zimbabwe

By David SmithThe only way forward for Zimbabwe and for the continent of Africa is Economic Empowerment. It is no longer acceptable to consider business as usual, however you define it to lead the development of Africa. With a growing population of 1.3 bn people that is threatened to double in 25 years, Africa requires us all to think again. Zimbabwe requires us to think again and indeed the provinces, cities, towns, and villages of your heritage require us to think again.

Without enough schools, hospitals, and jobs for the current population, how does one cope with the factor for the doubling. And while one could sense a feeling of panic, I think we all should take a breath, think, relax and reconsider… it might not happen.

But if it does, what will we do…

My view is we should live in the “now”. Presently we know there are failings. There are services and facilities that do not work. One could look at this politically, and say it is a governmental problem, but that would not be helpful. One should look at oneself, at our families, at our communities and the opportunities that lie therein and begin the process of solving problems.

The Availability of Money.

There is a general feeling that there is no money. It is false, there is lots of money. The process of activating money is widely misunderstood. There is a lock and there is a key, but the wrong key will not open the right lock.

The gift of money is not available. Money needs to work.  And, it is the return of money that is most often the key. The action of returning the money, unlocks its provision. When you can say, this is how I will return it, you begin to build the investor’s understanding and recognition of your opportunity. It is too easy to give money, without confirming this process. That is why investment conversations are hard. The investors know, and can see, when you are guessing…

There are other keys, and they may be the achievement of certain other objectives, but they will be determined by the donor, and will also be very specific. So again, you need to be an expert with the delivery capability to unlock the money.

Economic Empowerment

The first time you sell something, the first time you get that “Wow!” feeling, is the first step to recognising economic empowerment. It is inside you. It is also what you can apply. It is that process applied with consistent and repetitive results that enables you to appreciate it is real. It is the final stages of your business research process.

Often people talk about imposing economic empowerment, but I cannot give it to you. I might suggest it to you, but it is not something I can give you and you can put on a shelf. It is something that comes from inside you, that you must do, I must do, we must do. Then we see the impact on ourselves, our families, and our communities.

Partnerships to deliver Economic Growth

One of the reasons that we, at British African have partnered with ZImUK Business Chamber is to stimulate economic growth in Zimbabwe. Not in abstract, as a nice thing to do, but in real practical terms. We want to drive the development of Africa, to do that Zimbabwe must thrive too, and for that to happen the communities that you represent must thrive, as well.

By working with the Chamber and its members, we can bring opportunity to our members. Out of that we can both celebrate the step forward. We are doing something to help. By sharing knowledge or technology, we are giving someone else a chance to empower themselves. By doing so on a grand scale, we are making significant change. That is why we are here. We want to build those partnerships with African owned businesses.

Targeted Action

In the UK, we have a population of around 6m Africans. Along with those, we have also identified 506,209 business professionals, based in UK, who have links to Africa. Along with those we are looking for links with groups of people who are actively engaged in economic empowerment in Africa. People who are running businesses, looking to solve problems, looking to deliver better services and address the issues, we all know, and that are too numerous to mention.

By targeting action with those, who are active in the empowerment market, we have the best chance of creating the accelerated improvement we need to see. We may need jobs in 20 years’ time, but we know we need jobs now. Waiting only delays the process and allows decay to creep in where we need strength.  Decay that can rot our societies.

By working with the Chamber, we are working with people who are committed to the same objectives, we wish to address. Together, we have a better chance of success than we would by working alone.

Measuring Economic Empowerment

At BABA we have chosen to look at economic empowerment through the lens of GDP per head. The 

measure comes from the World Bank Databank and is a 

recognised source of data. We do not have the resource to run more detailed and personal studies, which might be ideal, but we also recognise, as with the UK Census programme, these studies can be flawed by non-compliance.

So, GDP per head in the UK sits at $48,866 by the end of 2023.  In Zimbabwe it is somewhat lower at $1,592. The world average is at $13,138. This statement of performance underpins the focus of our organisation.

The trends since 1960 illustrate the way in which business as normal has operated. The UK has grown dramatically, (Financial deregulation, Joining the EEC, working with our strongest partners) the world has grown too, but dear old Zimbabwe has bobbed along, almost flat lining… No disrespect to the businesses and individuals who have led this growth, but it is not equal. It is not well distributed.

It illustrates people working for themselves.

The Way Forward…

Unprecedented economic growth.

How can Zimbabwe rise to become a world average economy. That would require 8.25 times growth based on 2023’s performance. Impossible? Perhaps. But then there are always exceptions to the rule. One mining company that creates new wealth. One construction company that beats the industry trend. One Agric company that finds the markets to make the most of its produce.

You can look at Zimbabwe’s recent past and spot the highflyers. It is never instant. It always requires long term commitment. But it has been done. We just need to multiply this success on multiple fronts. Bakers making good bread, accountants writing up good books, motor mechanics making good repairs, road builders putting in place great roads. Railways being built that open the logistics of local, national and international trade. The breadbasket of Africa, filling up once more.

We know it can be done.  For me, the first step is partnering with the ZimUK Business Chamber, meeting other people committed to the economic growth of Zimbabwe; and creating, with our partner, an Alliance that brings forward the economic empowerment in all key areas of the Zimbabwean economy and its society.

The graph depicts where we are. Where we have come from, and how others have got to where they are. Together, we can address the opportunity, supply the services that enable people in Zimbabwe to prosper, to build lives around businesses that will earn them their place in a world that is so dependent on the produce of the food basket of Africa.

I hope you will choose to join us in the Chamber, and bring your skills, contacts and opportunities into the arena of success.


David Smith
British African Business Alliance Ltd

British African Business Alliance Ltd Reg. No. 09389610

Third Floor, 207 Regent Street, London, United Kingdom W1B 3HH   +44 7957 871 470